Come Twirl With Us!
Baton twirling classes and performing opportunties for ages 5-18

About Us

The SugarBabies are a baton twirling team based in west St. Louis County, MO. Our members range from 5 to 18 years old and have a great time together. SugarBabies is a 501c3 non-profit registered in the state of Missouri. Please explore our site and see all the fun we have!


Introduction to Baton Twirling

Beginner Class

For kids who are new to twirling, this 6-week session is a fun start to learning basic twirling skills.

Introduces basic twirling skills in a high-energy, positive format. As twirlers progress, they may move to classes that offer more challenging material and expand on the skills they learned in the basic class. Twirlers have fun participating in a unique sport while developing coordination, concentration, timing, and self-confidence.

Two different classes are available, one geared for grades K-2 and another for grades 3-6. Intro to Baton Twirling is offered through Parkway-Rockwood Community Education sports.

Team SugarBabies

Team Performance Classes

The next session team classes starts January 2025!

Classes are for team members only.

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Level 1

For twirlers who have typically spent at least a year in the Intro classes and have earned a spot on the team. Twirlers will continue to develop basic skills and learn routines. Class includes contest and performing opportunities.

6:30 - 7:15pm
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Level 2

Twirlers at this level will learn more challenging skills and their routines are more intricate. Level 2 twirlers will have additional performance and competition opportunities. Participants must have met all requirements to move into Level 2.

6:30 - 7:45pm
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Level 3

This group will move quickly, focusing on more demanding skills, and expectations for twirlers in this group are higher.  Level 3 twirlers participate in performances and competitive twirling opportunities. Instructor permission is required for Level 3. 

6:30 - 8:30pm
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Skills & Drills

This 6-week intensive experience will focus on skills and drills to improve both team and solo twirling. This class is an extra "add-on" class for twirlers participating in team level classes.

7:45 - 8:45pm
(6 week sessions)
Classes are at Ellisville Elementary

Solo Twirling

Solo lessons provide an opportunity to build individual twirling skills in a one-on-one situation.

Solo twirling lessons are a great choice for those who want to twirl for school or competition as well as twirlers who just want individualized instruction to improve.

Contact the coach to schedule.

Solo Twirling

Just for FuN


There is no membership fee to be a SugarBabies twirler. Costs most members incur are for a baton and the cost of the twirling classes. (Classes are separate from SugarBabies, but all of our twirlers are required to participate in a SugarBabies approved twirling class each semester. Classes are fee-based but we try to keep costs to a minimum.)

Based on age, ability, and experience, SugarBabies are divided into opportunity levels. The higher your level, the more opportunities are offered. During a year, we try to give every twirler the opportunity to participate in one or more parades, contests, and performances so they can experience all three facets of twirling.

SugarBabies has an amazing costume closet! We know how fast kids grow, and by building a collection of costumes and adding to it each year, we eliminate the requirement for each individual to purchase an outfit. On rare occasions, a team will opt to purchase a special costume piece individually, in which case the girls get to keep what they buy. But for the most part, costumes are assigned to a routine and returned to the team costume closet after each performance.

SugarBabies love to perform! If you have an event or group and would like the girls to perform, please let us know. We do parades as well as shows for community fairs, senior citizens, school events, etc. The SugarBabies have been featured twice on Show-Me St. Louis, have performed several times at Six-Flags, twirled at River City Rascals games, entertained at various festivals and malls in the St. Louis area, and so much more.

Nobody really likes fundraising, but it is something we do -- hopefully no more than one fundraiser per semester. Fundraising goals are set based on each opportunity level, so the more events a twirler is participating in, the more she will be asked to participate in the fundraiser. This is because the twirlers at the higher levels will need more costumes, more entry fees, and more props than the newer twirlers. Fundraising is kept to a minimum and we work very hard to keep our expenses low because we'd rather spend time twirling than fundraising.

We love donations! SugarBabies is a 501c3 non-profit organization. Please consult your tax advisor, chances are your donation is tax deductible!

We are always looking for new places and spaces to share twirling. If you know of a group of kids who want to learn to twirl, please contact us. We're happy to work with scout troops, neighbors, school groups, etc.

Analysis of the Sport of Baton Twirling

Courtesy of the World Baton Twirling Federation and United States Twirling Association

IT IS PHYSICAL – Baton Twirling requires fantastic coordination of fingers, hands, arms, feet and legs; in addition to extraordinary control of the back, stomach and torso, all of which are called to respond instantly to the sound the ear hears and the sight the eye sees. It requires endurance, agility, strength, and balance.

IT IS PSYCHOLOGICAL – Baton Twirling allows athletes to learn more about confidence and fear, self-esteem and self-image; it gives the chance to realize that attitude is what makes or breaks the competitive spirit, not anyone or anything else. It is a type of mind set with an increased awareness, which challenges an athlete to realize the potential she/he may possess. It requires self-discipline.

IT IS EMOTIONAL – Baton Twirling provides guided social interaction with other athletes. It offers the opportunity to participate and have fun in a healthy, wholesome activity and to develop lasting friendships. It provides the chance to recognize excellence and beauty, to be sensitive, to develop good character, and to have great youthful memories that last a lifetime.

IT IS A SCIENCE – Baton Twirling is exact, and demands precise execution. The baton is always pushing the laws of physics with force and speed, action and reaction, velocity and relativity.

IT IS MATHEMATICAL – Baton Twirling is a show, which can be entertaining and enlightening. It encompasses directing, acting, producing, managing and touring. It has colors, fashion, flair, excitement, pizzazz, sophistication and subtlety.

IT IS AN ARTISTIC SPORT – Baton Twirling requires the courage of a hockey player (without the padding), the concentration of a sprinter, the quick reactions of a boxer, and the stage presence and grace of a figure skater.

IT IS EDUCATIONAL – Baton Twirling allows our youth to learn how to take all of these elements, some dry and technically tiresome, some difficult and challenging, and create emotion, feeling, passion, develop a good work ethic, understand their own inner strengths and weaknesses, learn how to work with others and find a reason to stay focused on a quality life.